Visualization Part 2


Michael Phelps, arguably the best olympian of all time. Did you know one of his secret weapon is his visualization practice? Now you do.

Michael Phelps would spend hours every day running through the perfect race in his head. Every detail from the dive, to how he hits the water, how many strokes to get to the other side, how the water smell, how he breathes, everything.

Not just the perfect race, he'd even run through all the different scenarios that can happen during a race and how to overcome them.

One of his most unbelievable moments was during the 2012 Olympics. It was the 200 meter butterfly race. One of the worst things that can happen, happened. His goggles started to fill up with water as soon as he dove in. It kept getting worse and worse until he was pretty much blind.

Being the Olympian that he is, he has already ran through this visualization practice hundreds of time in his head. He mentally practiced this so many times that when it happened, he was able to stay calm and resort to his mental training. He was able to know when to make the flip to kick off the wall and turn around without being able to see because he already knew how many strokes he needs each way.

Not only did he win the race, he broke the world record! What a beast!



Inner Awareness Practice


No Mind