The Boundless Podcast Ep. 5
We all have important people in our lives. Our family. Our friends we pick up throughout life. The teacher that left an impression on us. The ones we love today, and the love we lost along the way. They all play a role in our lives. The shape our beliefs and create new roles we adhere to. In this episode, we chat with Vicky Lee, who was a pivotal figure in Kevin’s life. From our first episode, Kevin briefly introduced Vicky as a pivotal figure who helped him find his true Self. All it took was seeing “Discover your life’s purpose” on an email signature. That caught Kevin’s attention to then speak with Vicky, becoming the catalyst that took him on an incredible spiritual journey over the last 5 years taking him to the Oneness University in India multiple times and now creating Boundless as we all know it to help and give back.
Join us as we chat about Vicky and her life’s calling and where that has lead her. We chat about the bigger question in life, why we love crisis, and how that good crisis can lead to the “unlearning” of your core condition and thus revealing your inner truth. VIcky is no slouch. Berkeley graduate and a Harvard Divinity Dean Fellow, her credentials and her experiences working and coaching with top business, corporations and executives give her vast insight and expertise into life’s calling.