The Boundless Podcast Ep. 6
“Why is everything that is supposed to be bad make me feel so good?”
In this episode, we dive deeper into the topic of addiction. More than just talking about the surface level, pointing fingers and identifying things that are addictive. We try to really address the human tendency by shedding light on the endgame of sorts. Think about it…
What are things that we are addicted to? Easy…drugs, alcohol, sex, porn, work, food…
What are some human tendencies, things that attract/motivate us? Bingo….Money, love, relationships, health, peace of mind.
What do we spend our money and time on? Yup…fancy clothes, brand name things, entertainment, experiences, travels, parties, toys, cool cars, etc.
How about the big question in life? You ever think about our purpose on this earth? What are people intrinsically motivated by? How about things like: reaching your potential, making a name for yourselves, feeling peace and security, enjoying life, giving and receiving love, etc…
Do you see the connection yet? Perhaps this might resonate with you, perhaps you’ve yet to realize it yourself. But let’s start with the basic tenets as to why all of these above points are related:
Pure presence, Oneness with the moment
No carryover/liberation from past and future
Feelings of joy/ecstasy/love
Mental freedom/escape from Self (current life, identity, labels)
Empowered state of being
Get it yet? Addicted to porn?….Gives you sensations of joy, ecstasy, and love? Check. Mental freedom and escape from self? Check. Present with the moment? Check.
That vacation trip or that BTS concert that you HAVE to go to? ….Gives you sensations of joy, ecstasy, and love? Check. Mental freedom and escape from self? Check. Present with the moment? Check.
Addicted to money? What do you get out of it? Financial freedom, safety, peace, enjoyment in life. Doesn’t that look familiar to that list up there?
Guess what, that list is just a description of your true nature. Addictions are just a poor attempt to attain and experience our true Self. It’s always been within us. Perhaps if we knew that, we could control our addictions better or at least understand them better.
Til the next time.